Who We Are

Committed to reducing the human, social and economic cost of disability to workers, employers and society through education, research, policy development and implementation resources to promote workplace based reintegration programs.

The National Institute of Disability Management and Research (NIDMAR), founded in 1994, is an internationally recognized organization committed to reducing the human, social and economic costs of disability.

NIDMAR’s primary focus is the promotion of education, professionalization, and program standards which international research has proven is the most effective way of restoring and maintaining workers’ abilities, while reducing the costs of disability for workers, employers, government and insurance.

NIDMAR’s success is the result of collaborative initiatives undertaken by leaders in labour, business, government, education, insurance and rehabilitation.

NIDMAR is supported by a broad-based Board of Directors with senior representatives from across Canada and internationally.

As a long-term labour-management and multi-party organization committed to disability management in the workplace, NIDMAR is supported by an endowment fund created through contributions from the federal and provincial governments, major private corporations and public organizations.

Why We Are Involved

Disability Management: Everybody Wins.

Injuries or illness can strike anyone, anytime. In the past, we trusted that workers who became temporarily or permanently disabled would be looked after by the “system”. We thought that sending them home to recover or supplying them with a disability pension was enough.

Little thought was given to the full impact of a disabling injury or illness – the social, psychological and economic reality faced by the disabled worker and the potential costs to workers, employers and society.

In a changing global marketplace, employers have become increasingly aware of the importance of people as a resource, the overall cost of losing trained and experienced staff, and the increasing cost of disability when consensus-based, workplace disability management programs are not available.

Organizations are adapting their programs so that they encourage job retention.

Service providers are basing their practices on research that indicates those who have incurred injuries or illnesses can benefit physically, mentally and socially if they engage in work activity that is safe and does not aggravate their condition.

Unions are supporting return to work processes that enhance the likelihood that their members will retain their jobs and wages while making a contribution in the workplace through the use of disability management strategies such as job modification and the implementation of assistive devices.

Accessibility Initiatives

The organization is fully accessible.

Defined accommodation policy which has allowed individuals with significant health impairments.

Previously we had an employee with significant cerebral palsy employed over 3 years, a range or voice activated devices were purchased to offset the limitations imposed by only having one functioning hand.