Canucks Autism Network

Who We Are

Canucks Autism Network provides programs for individuals on the autism spectrum and their families, while promoting acceptance and inclusion through community engagement and training initiatives across BC and beyond. Our vision is for every individual on the autism spectrum to be understood, accepted and supported in all community spaces.

Why We Are Involved

At Canucks Autism Network (CAN), inclusive employment is a very important goal for us, and in particular, creating more employment opportunities for autistic individuals. As an autism service organization, we see employment as the next stage in life where we can support autistic individuals as they transition into adulthood. We have made it as part of our mandate to create employment opportunities for autistic individuals to be involved at CAN as volunteers, program staff, and in our office. Aside from creating employment opportunities, we also have programming and services that support autistic individuals to achieve employment outside of CAN.

Accessibility Initiatives

Inclusive hiring is very important to CAN, and internally, we have introduced new processes to make our hiring process and workplace more accessible to applicants. These include but are not limited to modified interviews (e.g. work interviews), job carving, and providing workplace accommodations/adjustments. We also provide training to employers who are interested in inclusive hiring, and assist employers to hire employees who are on the spectrum or have an intellectual disability through the Ready, Willing and Able program.