Untapped Talent: B2B Guide to Innovative Hiring and Retention

This ‘Business to Business’ guide offers inclusive workforce best practices distilled from decades of experience and expertise. It is a resource for employers on how to adapt recruitment and retention practices to better engage people with disabilities and others with barriers to employment.

How to Write Inclusive Job Postings

The language used in a job posting sets the tone for future employees and their understanding of inclusivity in your workplace. This piece includes steps to consider when writing an inclusive job posting.

Selecting a Disability Employment Service Organization

For some employers, partnering with a disability employment service organization (DESO) is a great option for recruiting candidates with disabilities. The following are some items to consider when selecting a DESO to work with.

Benefits of Reasonable Accommodation

Reasonable accommodation means determining which job related tasks are essential, and allowing flexibility for non-essential tasks. There are many business benefits of reasonable accommodation.