Jobs West

Jobs West is a free service that assists employers to find, hire, train, and retain qualified entry level staff.

Hi Q Training

Hi Q Training works on compatibility among people, difficult conversations, teamwork, one-on-one relationships, and group decision making.

Fraser Works Co-Op

Fraser Works Co-op is a partnership of 4 agencies, that have come together to provide employment services in the region.

Fraserside Community Services Society

Fraserside’s Supported Employment program is a boutique service that provide local employers with trusted referrals to work-ready individuals with disabilities.

Focus Professional Services

We provide all training and ongoing supports to both autistic employees and the teams who employ them.

Canucks Autism Network

As an autism service organization, we see employment as the next stage in life where we can support autistic individuals as they transition into adulthood.

Open Door Group

Open Door Group operates on the fundamental belief that all individuals have the ability to succeed.

Neil Squire

We serve people with disabilities and their future employers, filling gaps in services and expertise until government and industry can directly pursue the benefits of a diverse society and workforce.