FAQS: Employee Resource Groups at BC Hydro
The FAQs are intended to assist organizations in forming their own employee resource groups (ERGs) by learning from BC Hydro’s experience.
a Presidents Group initiative
The FAQs are intended to assist organizations in forming their own employee resource groups (ERGs) by learning from BC Hydro’s experience.
BC Hydro supports employees through cost-sharing of the addiction recovery program, and ensure a successful transition back into the workforce upon return from the program.
The Port Authority’s Accessibility Internship Program offers one individual with disabilities each year an opportunity to develop work experience while meeting a pertinent business need.
As part of their overall commitment to diversity and inclusion, Vancity is dedicated to ensuring that mental health awareness is a priority for its organization.
One of the ways SAP has found candidates with the right technical skills is by hiring individuals who are neurodiverse through their Autism at Work program.
BCLC is committed to making diversity and inclusion a priority. The board and executive team created a diversity and inclusion statement to demonstrate their commitment and wanted to share their approach with other employers.
Embers was launched in 2008 to reach people in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside that needed help in transitioning back to work.
Zero Ceiling in Whistler, BC, is a social enterprise committed to reducing youth homelessness and raising the quality of life for young people experiencing homelessness. Here, interviews are a casual thing.
UGM is in the heart of Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. Committed to transforming communities “by overcoming poverty, homelessness and addiction one life at a time.”
In 2007, Mission Possible surveyed residents in Vancouver’s DTES. The top issue after adequate housing was the lack of employment opportunities available to those challenged by poverty.
At Potluck Café Society, social impact is on the menu! They create jobs and provide healthy food for people living in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside.
This ‘Business to Business’ guide offers inclusive workforce best practices distilled from decades of experience and expertise. It is a resource for employers on how to adapt recruitment and retention practices to better engage people with disabilities and others with barriers to employment.
From a food truck in Tofino to a restaurant chain in Vancouver, Tacofino has remained true to their roots and values through their growth.
Known for their delicious pies, and other yummy offerings, Gabi & Jules is also known for something special: they are an inclusive, supportive employer.
It might be the bees that bring people to Hives for Humanity, but an intentional ongoing commitment to helping people keeps them together.
Vancouver Fraser Port Authority and BCLC both initiated physical accessibility audits to see where there were areas of opportunity to be more physically accessible for their employees and clients.
As part of Vancity’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, the credit union provided unconscious bias training for all employees. The training was specifically aimed at creating awareness of the presence of unconscious bias when making people and business decisions, as well as how to mitigate these biases through developing habits and shifting behaviours
Pacific Blue Cross’ Diversity & Inclusion Committee’s most successful initiative to date has been monthly “Lunch ‘n Learn” sessions on important topics.