Make It Count: Promoting Accountability at BC Hydro

BC Hydro holds their managers accountable through diversity and inclusion related performance metrics.

In addition to their demographic survey, BC Hydro has introduced diversity and inclusion related performance measures for managers who are required to have an objective related to inclusion on their performance plans.

BC Hydro gains manager buy-in on the D&I performance measures by focusing messaging coming from the leadership team on the business case, not social justice language.

A clear advantage of setting diversity and inclusion performance metrics and goals for managers comes from connecting their roles with survey outcomes, because it helps demonstrate the benefits of the survey for staff.

Lesson to apply

Holding your managers accountable through diversity and inclusion related performance metrics can improve staff buy-in for your survey.

This excerpt is from the Make It Count Guide, which accompanied the inaugural 2021 year of Accessible Employers’ Pledge to Measure. Make sure to check out the full length Guide for further case studies, data, and insight from BC’s inclusive employer community.
Ready to measure disability inclusion within your organization? Join the Pledge to Measure.