Diversity Works Research Report

An exploration of the employment journeys of Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour who experience disability.
Because the identities of employers, employees, and job seekers are complex and nuanced, the impacts of the power, privilege, and historical oppression that shape our workplaces can be difficult to measure with precision.
In response, the Canadian Association for Supported Employment (CASE) collaborated with members of their network to explore the experiences of BIPOC-D (Black, Indigenous, People of Colour Who Experience Disability) job seekers, as they work to secure and maintain employment with the assistance of supported employment service providers. This resulted in the Diversity Works project.
Report Highlights
Findings from this study shed light on both the barriers BIPOC-D job seekers face and the strategies they use to find and keep work in a racist and ableist labour market.
As part of our exploration of strategies, we provide a preliminary picture of the accessibility and quality of supported employment services for BIPOC-D service users. Findings in this summary are organized around 10 key messages that, we hope, will pave the way for future research and action.